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The mean consumption of drinks labelled &China easy peel lidding film Manufacturers39;Super Low' was 214ml, compared with 177ml for regular (unlabelled) drinks.In the final group participants taste-tested drinks labelled with no verbal descriptors of strength, but displaying the average strength on the market - wine ('12.The results showed the total amount of drink consumed increased as the label on the drink denoted successively lower alcohol strength. Individual differences in drinking patterns and socio-demographic indicators did not affect these results.Alcohol is the fifth leading cause of disease and premature death globally.The study was carried out by the University of Cambridge in collaboration with the London South Bank University.2%ABV').. "But what if the lower strength products enable people to feel they can consume more?"In this study, two-hundred and sixty-four weekly wine and beerw strength alcohol could increase consumption ANI Published: Apr 26, 2018, 4:04 pm IT Updated: Apr 26, 2018, 4:04 pm IST Reducing consumption of alcohol is a public health priority in many countries. In one group participants taste-tested drinks labelled '

Super Low' and '4%ABV' for wine or '1%ABV' for beer. Reducing consumption of alcohol is a public health priority in many countries."For lower strength alcohol products to reduce consumption, consumers will need to select them in place of equal volumes of higher strength products," says Dr Milica Vasiljevic from the University of Cambridge. In another group the drinks were labelled 'Low' and '8%ABV' for wine or '3%ABV' for beer.The drinks varied only in the label displayed.The study has been published in the journal Health Psychology."Labelling lower strength alcohol may sound like a good idea if it encourages people to switch drinks, but our study suggests it may paradoxically encourage people to drink more," says Professor Theresa Marteau, senior author. Alcohol is the fifth leading cause of disease and premature death globally. (Photo: Pixabay) Labelling alcoholic drinks - such as wines and beers - as lower in strength could encourage people to drink more, finds a study

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